🥭Ferc721 and Ferc20

Ferc721 is a novel protocol that builds upon the Ethereum ERC721 and aims to address the fairmint of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and their conversion with Fungible Tokens (FTs). The protocol allows for the seamless transition between NFTs and FTs, offering increased flexibility and utility for token holders.

The primary objective of Ferc721 is to ensure the fairmint of NFTs. By leveraging the ERC721 standard, which provides a unique identifier for each token, Ferc721 establishes a transparent and decentralized framework for the creation of NFTs. This ensures that each NFT is distinct and cannot be replicated or duplicated, providing authenticity and uniqueness to the digital assets.

Furthermore, Ferc721 enables the conversion of NFTs into FTs. Once the casting of an NFT is completed, the protocol allows for the conversion of a predefined quantity of NFTs into Ferc20-compliant FTs. This conversion process is based on predetermined rules and parameters set within the protocol, ensuring fairness and consistency in the conversion process. This feature provides additional liquidity and accessibility to NFT holders, as they can choose to convert their NFTs into FTs based on their specific needs or market conditions.

Conversely, holders of the corresponding FT have the ability to convert them back into NFTs at any time. This bidirectional conversion capability allows for seamless interchangeability between NFTs and FTs, granting token holders the freedom to switch between the two asset types as desired. Whether it is to engage in the vibrant NFT ecosystem or utilize the fungibility and tradability of FTs, token holders have the flexibility to adapt to their preferences and market dynamics.

By introducing the Ferc721 protocol, the blockchain ecosystem embraces a more comprehensive and inclusive approach to tokenization. The protocol ensures the fair creation of NFTs while providing a bridge for conversion between NFTs and FTs. This integration of NFTs and FTs offers enhanced opportunities for both creators and users, expanding the utility and versatility of digital assets within the decentralized landscape.

The Bridge

Ferc721Bridge contract is tool for crossing between Ferc721 and Ferc20. Please find the smart contract interface from the following link.

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