Deploy a Cirth
Last updated
Last updated
Tick: We support only 5
characters on testnet. Will support 3-9
characters on Mainnet.
Hard Cap: Total fungible tokens. Max is 2**64 - 1 = 18,446,744,073,709,551,615
Size per mint: Limit amount of each amount. Max is 2**24 - 1 = 16,777,215
Please note the total supply of NFT will be Int(Hard Cap / Limit)
. Ex. If the hard cap is 21 million, and the limit is 1,000, the total supply of NFT will be 21,000.
Ferc Family: Default is unselected.
If select yes. It's need to keep at least 10 Ferc(Contract address 0x2eCBa91da63C29EA80Fbe7b52632CA2d1F8e5Be0
on Ethereum mainet, and contract address 0x2ba13129106FcAc97DbdB565b767E144B3D5291B
on Goerli testnet.).
The Ferc will not been deduced as fee, that means you can mint freely if you have 10 Fercs in your wallet. You don't need to deposit these Ferc manully, if you don't have in your wallet, the contract will buy it for you automaticlly from unitswap.
If `Ferc family` was selected while deploying, there will be a small logo showed on the list.
After input the aboved params, just click Deploy
button. That's all.