

Cirth, Sindarin pronunciation: [ˈkirθ], meaning "runes".

It is a fictional runic script created by J.R.R. Tolkien. It first appeared in Tolkien's fantasy novel "The Silmarillion" and is widely used in his other works, such as The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings series.

Cirth is an ancient writing system used in Middle-earth, a fictional continent. It is primarily used to inscribe the languages of Middle-earth onto stone, metal, or other hard surfaces. The script consists of a series of symbols that resemble simplified geometric shapes, with each symbol representing a specific phoneme or letter. Cirth script adds depth and authenticity to the narrative of Middle-earth, providing readers with a more intimate connection to this fictional world.


As fans of J.R.R. Tolkien and enthusiasts of cryptocurrencies, we have merged Cirth, the realm of mythopoeia, and crypto technology to create the Cirth.meme. This innovative platform incorporates the essence of Bitcoin ordinals inscriptions and is built upon the FERC20 and FERC721 protocols.

It aims to bring millions of Tolkien fans and enthusiasts of mythopoeia into crypto space, and introduce Tolkien's world to crypto space.

At Cirth.meme, you can freely issue crypto NFTs or tokens that are named after characters, stories, and cities from Tolkien's mythopoeia. Additionally, you have the ability to mint and possess these encrypted assets at no cost. Moreover, you can explore popular NFT and FT marketplace such as OpenSea and Uniswap to buy or sell these crypto assets.

Embracing the spirit of Tolkien's captivating narratives, Cirth.meme offers a platform for fans to engage, showcase their creativity, and participate in the growing world of cryptocurrencies. By combining the allure of fantasy literature with the potential of blockchain technology, we invite you to embark on a digital adventure where imagination meets the exciting realm of crypto. Join us as we build a vibrant community at the intersection of Tolkien's legacy and the cutting-edge world of digital assets.

Ferc721 NFT

On December 11, 2023, the first Ferc721 NFT was minted on the Mumbai chain and tested on OpenSea. This is a fascinating innovation, as it is the first time that Text Inscriptions have been presented in the form of an NFT in the Ethereum ecosystem.

This is a brand-new endeavor, and to avoid security vulnerabilities in the smart contract, the dev team has taken cautious measures. Over the following days, they have made several update to the smart contract.

On January 3, 2024, it was launched on the Goerli testnet for public testing and will soon be deployed on the Ethereum mainnet (or possibly a one Ethereum Layer 2 blockchain).

Last updated